Friday, 10 June 2011

Back like the proverbial bad penny

Woke at 4:30 this morning to the sound of rain tinkling on my window pane, the first rain in weeks here. This of course meant that I had to go to the bathroom and do my own tinkling.

My shiny new bathroom which was replaced early this year and of course did NOT go without a hitch, started off very well, old toilet out and new one installed in a matter of hours, but how can you use it when needed if there are a plethera of workmen on site. I am paranoid about someone hearing me tinkle lol . Smart new pedestal sink installed next, and finally the bath which was sealed and filled with cold water to weigh it down for the night. Next morning lots of banging and crashing and i go upstairs to find the loo sitting on the landing and the sink on my bed !!!!! and even more worrying, no sign of any workmen. So here i was totally dishevelled and not a pot to pi** in.

Lunchtime came and went then another 2 guys turned up to lay the flooring !!! Even me, a mere woman could have worked out that this should have been done first as it is non slip sheet flooring that needs to be laid in one piece with no seams. Anyway the plumber eventually returned and fitted it all back, saying he would return tomorrow to finish off boxing in the bath. I couldnt wait to see the back of them, I hate strangers in the house, and it was bliss to have a working loo and i celebrated with a soak in the new bath. Job was eventually finished 4 days later (or so I thought)

Got up on the Saturday morning, the hand basin was totally blocked and the toilet leaking raw sewage onto the floor I rang the contractors (out of hours answerphone) and insisted they sort it out NOW. They rang back suggesting I put a bowl under the loo (duh I had) and said they would pop in on Monday to fix it. I think my colourful language convinced them that maybe they should come immediately and surprisingly they did.

More successful was the rewiring of the house. Same contractors so i was understandably concerned, but this time everything went like clockwork, all sockets replaced with doubles, and installed at high level for ease of use. No longer do I have extension leads throwing out more heat than the central heating lol, I even have an extra socket for my iron (like that will get used lol ) NOT !!!

Mum is still her unique self, she has a medi alert alarm in case she falls or needs help. It has been playing up a bit lately, and I usually get calls at about 3 in the morning to say she has fallen in the kitchen (usually when wandering about for a biscuit and a cuppa) In the past it has been a case of driving over in my jim jams, checking her over, picking her up and popping her back in bed. Unfortunately the last time she didnt have her buzzer pendant with her grrrrr and it was a very cold March night. She managed to crawl back to the bedroom to summon help but unfortunately she had got really cold, and i was really weak and couldn't lift her on my own, so had to summon little brother to help out. She said her ankle was hurting and I suggested we went to the hospital there and then, but since she had a lunch date the next day she said she was OK. She went to her lunch in agony apparently, when I saw her on the Monday her ankle was up like a balloon and her toes black so i told her we were going to the hospital, she said no the doctors will do !! so we went there, and surprise surprise they took one look and sent her to hospital . The verdict was one bad sprain, fortunately nothing broken. she agreed to rest the foot, but refused the ice packs and the elevation bless her.

Her latest escapade was getting marooned at the top of the garden. she somehow managed to get a bit of wheelspin on her electric scooter and bedded it down in the vegetable garden, as she did not have her sticks with her she was stuck at the top of the garden till she managed to raise a neighbour to come to her rescue.

Next week is going to be an exciting one, its time to trade in and change my car, I can't believe its been 3 years. This time I am downsizing to a Fiesta and hoping that i can fit in the wheelchair. I am sure it will be OK if I drop the back seats

Oh I almost forgot, I have finally got a new canary, he is Charlie number 2, I worried that he was mute for the first month, but after playing him clips off U-tube of singing canaries he has finally cottoned on, he sings beautifully, but unfortunately starts at 4 30 in the morning, and dosent stop till dusk.

I hope to post more catch ups soon take care xx